Refund Policy

1. Contact within 10 days

Please contact us within 10 days of the date of your grant if you detect any errors in the payment amount or report unauthorized use of your credit or debit account.

2. Refund Policy of MBF

However, unless the refund is considered in full, if you donate an amount in error we will issue a full refund after checking and sorting (within 7-10 working days). The amount will not be refundable unless due cause is shown. In this case, the details are given in the following (Refund Type) table.

3. Refund Types

Muktir Bondhon Foundation will process your refund according to the following refund types.

Payment Method Refund Option Refund Time

Debit or Credit Card

Debit or Credit Card Payment Reversal

7-10 working days


Mobile Wallet Reversal / bKash

7-10 working days

Noteable:Maximum refund timeline excludes weekends and public holidays.
Modes of Refund Description

Bank Deposit

The bank account details provided must be correct. The account must be active and should hold some balance.

Debit Card or Credit Card

If the refunded amount is not reflecting in your card statement after the refund is completed and you have received a notification by MBF, please contact your personal bank.